Below are the preparation instructions for qualified rhinoplasty candidates at Doshi Plastic Surgery. Patients are encouraged to ask any questions they may have at any time regarding treatment or the recovery process.
Three Weeks Before Surgery
- Laboratory testing, EKGs, and eye exams should all be performed at this time if your surgeon specifies it. This information must be received one week before the procedure.
- The procedure will have to be rescheduled if there is even a remote chance that you are pregnant.
- Surgery, anesthesia, and facility expenses are all payable to our patient consultants.
Two Weeks Before Surgery
- Stop taking any supplements that raise the risk of bleeding, including aspirin, ibuprofen (such as Advil and Motrin), and aspirin.
- Any OTC drug should have aspirin or ibuprofen listed on the label. Consult your primary care physician or cardiologist before ceasing to take aspirin.
- It's safe to take Tylenol.
- Stop using any nicotine-containing products, including cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and patches, as nicotine reduces circulation and can have negative effects.
- Start taking 1,000 mg of vitamin C three times daily to promote wound healing.
- If your final destination is more than 30 minutes away from the office after surgery, you must make plans on the night before surgery, please remain nearby. This is where your patient consultant can help.
One Week Before Surgery
- Take a week off from drinking alcohol before and after surgery.
- All testing and lab results are required in order to avoid cancellation.
- If you color your hair, you should do it one week prior to surgery and/or five weeks afterward.
- If you experience an outbreak of acne, kindly let our office know. If you have active acne, there is a risk that the operation might be postponed.
Day Before Surgery
- Your operation arrival time will be confirmed by a phone call from the Surgery Center in the afternoon.
- NO EATING OR DRINKING AFTER MIDNIGHT (including water and gum chewing). The only exception to this rule is medication, which you will be instructed to take on the day of surgery, if necessary, with a sip of water.
Day of Surgery
- On the morning of surgery, you can take a shower and use shampoo.
- Avoid using hair gels or sprays or wearing makeup.
- Do not wear contact lenses, please. GLASSES ARE OK
- Don't wear anything that you have to pull over your head. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting attire.
- Please keep your dentures in place if you wear them.
- Avoid bringing valuables or wearing jewelry, particularly body jewelry, to surgery.
- If you are menstruating, kindly use a feminine napkin rather than a tampon.
Medications Before Surgery
All patients who are booked for surgery SHOULD STOP USING ALL SOURCES OF ASPIRIN AND PRODUCTS LIKE ASPIRIN (i.e., NSAIDs—non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications). The use of the following products must end at least one week before surgery. However, please inform our office before discontinuing any medications your doctor has prescribed specifically for your heart, arteries, or brain.
- Tylenol (acetaminophen)
- Advil
- Aleve
- Alka Seltzer
- Anacin
- Anaprox
- A.P.C.
- Ascodeen-30
- Ascriptin
- Aspirin
- Suppositories
- Aspergum
- Bayer Aspirin
- BC Powders
- Buff-A-Comp
- Buffadyne
- Bufferin
- Butalbital
- Cama-Inlay Tablets
- Cataflam
- Cheracol Capsules
- Clinoril
- Congespirin
- Cope
- Coricidin
- Coumadin
- Darvon Compound
- Depakote
- Dipyridamole
- Daon's Pills
- Dristan
- Duragesic
- Ecotrin
- Empirin
- Equagesic
- Excedrin
- Feldene
- Florinal
- Ginko
- Goody's Powder
- Ketoprofen
- Ibuprofen
- Indocin
- Measurin
- Midol
- Monocet w/ Codeine
- Motrin
- Naprosyn
- Naproxin
- Norgesic
- Nuprin
- Orudis
- Percodan
- Percogesic
- Pabirin Buffered Tabs
- Panagesic
- Persantine
- Persistin
- Plavix
- Robaxisal
- Sine-Aid
- Sine-Off
- SK-65 Compound
- Stero-darvan ASA
- St. John's Wort
- Suprac
- Synalogos Capsules
- Tolectin
- Triaminicin
- Vanquish
- Vitamin C (more than 1000 mgs/day)
- Vitamin E (more than 400 i.u./day
- Warfarin
Topical Medications to Avoid:
- Absorbent Rub
- Absorbine Jr.
- Absorbine Arthritic
- Act-on-Rub
- Analbalm
- Antiphlogistine
- Arthralgen
- Aspercreme
- Banalog
- Baumodyne
- Bengay (Any)
- Braska
- Counterpain Rub
- Denecorub
- Daon's Rub
- Emul-O-Balm
- End-Ake
- Exocaine Plus
- Exocaine Tube
- Heet
- Icy Hot
- Infra Rub
- Lini-Balm
- Mentholatum Deep Heat
- Minit-Rub
- Musterole Deep Strength
- Neurabalm
- Oil-O-Sol
- Omega Oil
- Panalgesic
- Rid-A-Pain
- Rumarub
- Sloan's
- Soltice Hi-therm
- Soltice Quick Rub
- Stimurub
- Surin
- Yager's Liniment
- Zemo Liquid
- Zemo Ointment
Avoid all Chinese or Indian herbs and diet supplements such as Metabolife, Herbalife, etc. Other herbs to avoid:
- Alfalfa
- Balerian
- Black Cohosh
- Bilberry
- Cayenne
- Cleavers
- Echinacea
- Ephedra
- Fish Oil
- Garlic
- Ginseng
- Ginko-Biloba
- Kava Kava
- Ma Huong
- Melatonin
- Licorice Root
- Red Clover
- St. John's Wort
- Penny Royal
- Willow Bark
- Winter Green
- Valerian